Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Felix The Cat

 Felix The Cat

On November 9, 1919, a short released by Otto Messmer through Paramount Pictures titled, "Feline Follies," the world was introduced to Felix The Cat for the very first time. He was introduced as, "Master Tom," but he later became Felix as we know him now. In accordance to, "Felix is regarded as the first cartoon star...Felix's popularity during the 1920s led to his being the first such character merchandised via popular products such as stuffed dolls, key chains, and comic books." Felix was not only popular amongst children and audiences, but even the critics were enjoying the character and all of his quirks.With all this success and good fortune, there unfortunately is almost always a bit of a dark side or downside to this character and situation. There are many examples of stereotypes clearly aimed at black people during the early days of film and animation, and unfortunately Felix is no different in that regard. Jeet Heer from states, "Felix the cat is a feckless, happy-go-lucky trickster. Culturally, he's the missing link between Br'er Rabbit and Bugs Bunny: admirable in some ways but lacking in the 'white' qualities of respectability and responsibility."
There were many animals in animation that had resembling features or attributes that played into stereotypes regarding black people such as gorillas/monkeys. "Felix the Cat creator Otto Messmer has stated that his famous cartoon feline was based on a minstrel character." A minstrel character essentially is a character from a stage show that often had blackface makeup and exaggerated their voices. We have characters like Jim Crow, Gumbo Chaff, Mammy, etc. that all showcase examples of minstrel show characters.

In terms of social/political commentary, it is no surprise that Felix has its own nods and mentions to these subjects. Many of the earlier shorts of Felix in a way mirrored the "American" ways of the 1920s down to pop culture, and again those stereotypes that were common. Historical events being alluded to or outright referenced also played a role in to some of what was portrayed in animation. Donna Kornhaber wrote an article regarding some of the historical happenings referenced or show in some of the Felix shorts stating that, "But no doubt one of the strangest of those adventures, and certainly the most harrowing, comes in Felix Turns the Tide, wherein the most beloved animated hero in the world at that time ventures not into some adventurous jungle or exotic new city but onto the battlefields of World War I, battlefields that are depicted in horrifyingly gruesome detail replete with heavy machine-gun fire, high explosives, and staggering mass casualties-heaps and heaps of lifeless cartoon corpses piled up on screen."

This just goes to show how the time period had an impact as to what was portrayed within mainstream media because if this were made today, this could potentially be seen as an issue. There is a positive that could be seen through this though being that it helps spread a message to other people, especially children but just in a more simplistic and less apparent way. 

To this day Felix is still a recognizable character within pop culture as he has a countless amount of shorts, different iterations of television shows, comic books, merchandise, etc. While there may have been quite a few negatives throughout the process of his creation and early days of animation, Felix was a product of his time and had many impressive aspects to not only his personality that beamed through everything he was in, but also the impact he had on animation overall. 

Bondfield, M. (2019, May 11). Felix the cat: 1920s cartoons: NFSA. 1920s cartoons | National Film and Sound Archive of Australia.,Disney’s%20Steamboat%20Willie%20(1928).

Crawford, N. (2019, November 3). Pat Sullivan, Otto Messmer and Felix the Cat. Animation, Race and Progress. (n.d.). ." st. james encyclopedia of popular culture. . 11 Sep. 2024 .

Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2024, August 12). Otto Messmer. Encyclopædia Britannica.

Fandom, Inc. (n.d.). Felix the cat. Disney Fanon Wiki.

Heer, J. (2009, August 12). Felix the cat & blackface. sans everything.

Jump Jim Crow - blackface song and dance on make a GIF. MakeAGif. (n.d.).

Kay, L. (2017, July 24). Felix turns the tide (1922). Cinema Cats.

Kornhaber, D. (2020, January 6). Felix the cat gets shipped to the Front: Donna Kornhaber. Lapham’s Quarterly.

Sammond, N. (n.d.). Cartoon Minstrels. Birth of An Industry: Blackface Minstrelsy and the Rise of American Animation.

Tim. (2019, November 10). 100th anniversary: Felix the cat - blog. The Film Experience.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Final Blog Post

 My Personal Relationship with Technology

Technology is such a big and important part of my life to the point that I don't even realize how many different forms of it I use on a day to day basis. My generation has a bit of an advantage because we were born with tablets, phones, computers, etc. right around us and they are only getting more advanced as time continues to pass. As a teenager, I find myself on different social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and most recently Facebook. My parents, mostly my father, are very involved with technology due to my dad being a tech guy that consistently works on computers, and my mom is a teacher so she uses online programs and services to not only enhance her teaching on a day to day basis but to also find a way to keep the children engaged with learning while also doing something they thoroughly enjoy. Although I have various forms of social media, I myself tend to not post a whole lot because I am not a big fan of sharing information and a lot of pictures of myself, but it is just as entertaining to watch and observe others online. It is truly fascinating to see how some people have no regard for what they are willing to put out on the internet for other people to see which also brings up other interesting points regarding how that can impact other people. My parents have always warned me about being extremely active in social media and sharing information on apps and services just because of how easy it is now for people to steal it and use it which is why I think I am so careful about what I post and share. I do use Twitter personally as one of my main news sources on my phone because it's personalized to give me the specific types of stories I enjoy reading and am interested in while still being able to explore new things. defines a digital footprint as, "one's unique set of digital activities, actions, and communications that leave a data trace on the internet or on a computer or other digital device and can identify the particular user or device" I try to always take this into account before I post something online because once it's out there then it's out there forever, and I don't want to have a chip on my shoulder when I'm trying to apply for a job or something in the future and I am denied because of something I did 10 years ago online.  I think about TikTok so often because that seems to be the most popular form of social media as of right now, and so many people are willing to post the most outrageous and wild things without even thinking twice just for likes and views which I find interesting and find myself question quite often in today's climate.

 Although there are many reasons to be cautious about the internet and social media, that does not mean that there are not also quite a few positives. Having the opportunity to connect with friends and family and having the chance to meet new people is always fun and being able to see other people and what they are doing is always fascinating. Social Media also acts as a place for me to unwind and turn my brain off for a bit sometimes just so I can relax and unplug from reality for a short amount of time. The world is also becoming more technology based so I think it is important to understand how these platforms and services work because they are starting to be integrated into different jobs and some of them allow you to make a career out of the app itself. 

The videos centered around AI were also eye opening for me while thinking about my relationship with technology because they helped me think even more about how important it is to ensure that your privacy and information is secure because it is so easy for people to access that kind of information now. They also made me weary about what kind of people I talk to on the internet as well. Between the two videos we watched, one being optimistic while the other one focused on FOMO and loneliness were both quite interesting, but I feel that the truth lies somewhere in between. I myself have experienced both positive and negative outlooks on life and I feel everyone has, but you have to learn how to get by in life and look at the best possible parts you can find rather than focusing on what is negative. 

I feel that going forward into the future we will continue to grow and add new social media platforms and extensions, and I am happy to have been born during this age, but I do know now that I need to be more careful with certain things I trust on the internet. I feel it is important to just remember that we have technology for a reason and it is fine to use it as assistance, but we should not fully rely on it so we do not go down a negative path.

Blog Post #8

 Privacy: Online & Offline

Everyone should be able to feel safe and secure on and offline at all times, but because of how evolved the technological world is as well as how often it changes, it can be quite difficult to keep certain things more private than others. We utilize technology in our day to day lives and we trust these laptops, phones, tablets, etc. with sensitive data and information that we would not want out, but now so easily can be accessed. Social Media has really changed the game in terms of communication, because so many people have these false perceptions about how certain aspects of life really are due to the false ideas that can be presented on the internet. A lot of times these websites and extensions that may seem "safe" or "secure" are actually dangerous and are able to steal sensitive data and information on you or others the second you click on their website. Allowing and accepting cookies and other things of that nature can also add to the dangers of online/offline privacy.

Juan Enriquez, the man that gave a TedTalk titled, "Your Online Life, Permanent As A Tattoo" really stuck out because he did a great job of relating tattoos to the internet and media calling programs such as Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, etc. as electronic tattoos because tattoos are permanent once they are on the body just as something is permanent once you put it on the internet. Through using these apps and posting on them, we are essentially allowing people to view us with ease at all times without even really thinking about it. I thought back to something we spoke about in class regarding having a fake email to use for certain things so that the information collected from applications is not reflective of any of your real life information rather something that is insignificant to yourself.

These kinds of problems such as being watched online, privacy broken, getting hacked, etc. can hurt not only the person directly targeted but also potentially those around the individual/individuals or those close to them in a multitude of ways such as doing the same thing to those people like giving out their private information and data.  My grandmother receives spam calls almost everyday about things she does not even own, yet one time she still fell for something and gave out some information which ultimately led to her having to cancel that credit card because someone had hacked her account and started spending some of her money at a quick rate.

Ari Trachtenberg of spoke on what the government along with modern day cybersecurity officers can do to help with these issues and stated, "Companies should think very carefully about every bit of information that they get from customers, weighing the benefit of having this information against the risk of losing it. The problem is that very often, companies do not realize just how damaging the information loss can be." I think educating people on the real dangers of giving out information should be something that the government and other outlets are pushing so that these issues are not as prevalent.

As people I feel it is also important that we do a better job of researching the sources we decide to use as well as making sure if we store information online, that it is in a private and secure place that only the user can access and get to. This for sure has me thinking and reevaluating certain things I have decided to trust and use and has me cautious going forward.

In the Age of AI

 In the Age of AI

The idea of artificial intelligence has always scared me since I was a child thanks to a film my father showed me titled, I, Robot with Will Smith. The film is set in a distant future and revolves around the fight between mankind and these defective robots that are supposed to be helpful. From that moment on after seeing the film, I have had some pretty interesting ideas and perceptions about AI and what that would potentially look like in the distant future aside from the fictional robots that were in the movie.

I brought that film up because I was looking at the reasoning behind why artificial intelligence was created and according to, "the goal of AI is to provide software that can reason on input and explain on output. AI will provide human-like interactions with software and offer decision support for specific tasks, but it's not a replacement for humans - and won't be anytime soon." The ideas and grand scheme of the AI starts to evolve and innovate as technology continues to change as well as its inhabitants. 

People are now utilizing this system more than ever because I've never seen this many teslas in my life before I came back to school this year. I feel this is almost like a pandora's box situation though in the sense that once you open it you cannot close it back up and I feel this works the same way because there are always going to be potential modifications and changes that are wanted to be made. 

There are pros to this type of innovation though which I learned a bit about from, such as how fast everything is now which allows us to get the most efficient experience out of whatever it is we are doing. Computers and Smart Phones are almost no different now and allow the user to personalize the type of experience they want outside of the device. The system also starts to learn your interests, likes, and dislikes to help with personalization of your experience which could also be viewed as a con because there could be some breach of privacy potentially going on.

There are some cons and concerns that do come to mind when thinking about this such as the fact that the system starts to learn you which could be a breach of privacy like said previously, and we just don't know how much we are truly being monitored. The idea that we leave a trace on the internet as well is kind of unnerving because the intelligence can track and keep said data up until just about any point. People are also a danger in my opinion because having access to something like this is a privilege and there are always people that use things for the wrong reasons or have some kind of ulterior motives.

This could also factor in more to privacy, security, and ultimately identity theft because everything is so advanced now to the point that it can sometimes be difficult to decipher what is real and what is fake. For example, my mother once received and email from someone pretending to be her boss and they got her to answer this question which allowed them to hack her system and they attempted to get to her credit card information and other personal assets which was extremely terrifying, and we still have no idea who did it.

This video ultimately helped me think back on previous questions and concerns I have had about AI for a while, but also helped me to think about what else it could be useful for in a more positive light. It does help to reenforce how important it is to consistently check on your privacy settings and information so that you are less prone to getting hacked or deceived in any kind of way. 

EOTO Reflection 2: Total Information Awareness

 Total Information Awareness

Prior to this presentation I did not really have an idea as to what total information awareness entailed. Thanks to the information provided by and, I now know that total information awareness is a, "System of a large database created by combining as much information as possible about as many people as possible through computer algorithms and human analysis." The main goal of this is to unfortunately give law enforcement access to private information which not only takes away Freedoms of American Citizens, but it also goes against the Fourth Amendment. If this were to be put into place then the government would have full authority over the lives of American Citizens which goes against everything we are to supposedly stand for as a country. People really need to be alerted about this information and unfortunately, many less educated people along with people that are poor are not aware of this most of the time, so it is important that they are alerted and know what's really going on.

There is fortunately one pretty big pro to consider when thinking about this pretty unfortunate situation at face value, because there's a chance they could be a factor in putting an end to terrorism as well as other issues. Realistically, they would be able to somehow identify said foreign terrorists, figure out what they want to do with the United States. Thanks to, I learned that there are four main elements that total information awareness is out into which are, a rapid-turn around experimentation process, infrastructure development and tool hardening process, a technology refresh process, and innovative architecture.

Everyone involved will be impacted in some kind of way because we all leave a trace on the computer or forms of technology we use. As technology evolves and changes, so does this system because everything shifts so quickly in today's time. This could personally have an impact on you and those around you as well as all the things you may decide to purchase. It is just important to be conscious and in the know to avoid potential arising issues. 




 Alternative Media

We all use different news sources/outlets to receive our information on a day to day basis, but how often do we take the time to look at alternative media sources. According to Alternative Media is defined as, "media sources that differ from more mainstream or dominant spaces of media in terms of content, production, and/or distribution." I myself use various forms of media in my day to day life to receive news and information such as podcasts and social media.

Throughout my research and thanks to lectures in class I was able to explore to examples of alternative media which are, and Both websites really take the time to shine a spotlight on news that is typically outside of the mainstream as well as being considered news that the government would not want us to be knowledgeable about. Both also highlight and exercise their right of the First Amendment in a pretty effective manner while they also exercise the idea of independence from government control. 

These types of media sources typically tend to isolate what they about and correlate it to the normal content they produce like some tend to only focus on liberal based content while others gear towards a more conservative approach. With this being in mind, alternative media sources typically tend to have smaller audiences as compared to more mainstream options because mainstream options tend to have government approval and funding. Even on a global scale the idea of alternative media or independent media as some call it, has had growing opinions, and in Africa there was a study done by TNS Research ( which conducted some kind of survey in South Africa and discovered that "73% of South Africans agreed that independent media houses are essential for getting unbiased news."

Just like all things of this nature, there are pros and cons when it comes to alternative media, especially as compared to mainstream media. On the pros side, alternative media typically provides a source or sources of unbiased news while also supporting Democracy, Utilizes other components for success such as utilizing not only print, but also sound, and motion/movement for effect, Allows individuals that feel unrepresented to shine and have the chance to convey their opinions and views on topics they want to focus on, and better representation for how diverse the world is now in terms of opinions and views. Now for the cons side there are two big ones that stand out which are, alternative media sources can put you at some kind of disadvantage or funding for ads, exposure time, and getting across your overall message, as well as running the risk for a spread of misinformation and fake news which would disrupt the typical flow with many different people having the opportunity to put out almost anything.

Blog Post #7: Diffusion of Innovations

Diffusion of Innovations 

In accordance to, "The diffusion of innovations theory describes the pattern and speed at which new ideas, practices, or products, spread through a population. The main players in the theory are innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards." This theory was developed back in 1962 by E.M. Rogers, and is also considered to be "one of the oldest social science theories" (Singer). Clay Halton from stated that Innovators are, "people who are open to risks and the first to try new ideas, Early Adopters are, "people who are interested in trying new technologies and establishing their utility in society. Early Majority includes people who, "pave the way for use of an innovation within mainstream society and are part of the general population, and Late Majority includes people who, "follow the early majority into adopting the innovation as part of their daily life." Finally, Laggards are people who, "lag the general population in adopting innovative products and new ideas." 

There's no doubt the fact that this generation heavily relies on technology and largely communication through cellphones primarily on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. Due to the vast space that is the internet, there are a consistent amount of people every minute maybe even seconds, I'm sure that there is someone out there posting something for a vast amount of individuals to see. Social Media, especially Twitter, really took the technological world by storm when it debuted back in 2006, and now thanks to, we know that, "Twitter has 237.8 million monetizable daily active users as of Q2 2022." This app was originally designed to operate as a social networking application which would allow users to send, receive, and consume news, keep in touch with friends and family, as well as being able to explore an interactive online space. Twitter has expanded exponentially since then as different celebrities, socialites, political figures, etc. have a large influence and following which adds to a constant state of interest, drama, and news spreading faster and faster. The news cycle on any social media app can be interesting to watch, but Twitter allows any of its users post almost anything they want as long as it follows their guidelines and standards which means anyone could start rumors or spread false information with the click of a button.  This can also be good for journalists and scoopers to have such a platform that allows them to spread news to a wide range of people a lot faster and more efficient.

Twitter allows its users to tailor and utilize the platform as they desire whether that be for business or mere fun and enjoyment. equipped me with the data that showcases how often people use twitter as well as what they use it for. The data presented demonstrated that 77% of users are on Twitter daily, 16% several times a week, 5% weekly, and 3% hardly use it. The overwhelming majority utilize the app daily and 40% of users are on the app to be alerted or find out about more breaking news, 39% use it to keep up with general news, 36% to pass the time, 31% to tell others what they're doing and currently thinking about, 28% to see what others are talking about, 24% to keep in touch with people they know, 19% to follow famous people, 19% to share news, 19% to network,  18% to follow trending topics, and finally 7% are dedicated to anything else that goes on within the app. 

Many people gravitate towards this app thanks to how much free will each user essentially has as well as how accessible everything is. I use it just for that very reason, because I love seeing a ranging view of opinions and ideas from so many different types of people, but I do often raise concerns after I view certain forms of media on the platform. This is why I could also see people being turned off by the idea of social media, there is a lot going on at once and it can be difficult to adapt and keep up while also trying to only navigate the path of truth. 

Nonetheless, Twitter is a platform that has been growing continuously for quite some time. There may be a lot of changes that were made recently and I'm sure to come, but it's important to really not leave out both the positives and negatives to the platform and situation.


Felix The Cat

 Felix The Cat On November 9, 1919, a short released by Otto Messmer through Paramount Pictures titled, "Feline Follies," the worl...