Wednesday, December 14, 2022

In the Age of AI

 In the Age of AI

The idea of artificial intelligence has always scared me since I was a child thanks to a film my father showed me titled, I, Robot with Will Smith. The film is set in a distant future and revolves around the fight between mankind and these defective robots that are supposed to be helpful. From that moment on after seeing the film, I have had some pretty interesting ideas and perceptions about AI and what that would potentially look like in the distant future aside from the fictional robots that were in the movie.

I brought that film up because I was looking at the reasoning behind why artificial intelligence was created and according to, "the goal of AI is to provide software that can reason on input and explain on output. AI will provide human-like interactions with software and offer decision support for specific tasks, but it's not a replacement for humans - and won't be anytime soon." The ideas and grand scheme of the AI starts to evolve and innovate as technology continues to change as well as its inhabitants. 

People are now utilizing this system more than ever because I've never seen this many teslas in my life before I came back to school this year. I feel this is almost like a pandora's box situation though in the sense that once you open it you cannot close it back up and I feel this works the same way because there are always going to be potential modifications and changes that are wanted to be made. 

There are pros to this type of innovation though which I learned a bit about from, such as how fast everything is now which allows us to get the most efficient experience out of whatever it is we are doing. Computers and Smart Phones are almost no different now and allow the user to personalize the type of experience they want outside of the device. The system also starts to learn your interests, likes, and dislikes to help with personalization of your experience which could also be viewed as a con because there could be some breach of privacy potentially going on.

There are some cons and concerns that do come to mind when thinking about this such as the fact that the system starts to learn you which could be a breach of privacy like said previously, and we just don't know how much we are truly being monitored. The idea that we leave a trace on the internet as well is kind of unnerving because the intelligence can track and keep said data up until just about any point. People are also a danger in my opinion because having access to something like this is a privilege and there are always people that use things for the wrong reasons or have some kind of ulterior motives.

This could also factor in more to privacy, security, and ultimately identity theft because everything is so advanced now to the point that it can sometimes be difficult to decipher what is real and what is fake. For example, my mother once received and email from someone pretending to be her boss and they got her to answer this question which allowed them to hack her system and they attempted to get to her credit card information and other personal assets which was extremely terrifying, and we still have no idea who did it.

This video ultimately helped me think back on previous questions and concerns I have had about AI for a while, but also helped me to think about what else it could be useful for in a more positive light. It does help to reenforce how important it is to consistently check on your privacy settings and information so that you are less prone to getting hacked or deceived in any kind of way. 

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