Thursday, November 3, 2022

Top Five Sources of News and Information

 My Top Five Sources of News and Information

There are a range of sources at our disposal which enable us to receive a multitude of information quickly and efficiently. I myself use different news sources for different topics such as worldly news, movie news, etc. My views and opinions have shifted and evolved just as I have grown and evolved as a person. In the past I myself teetered back and forth between news services and what media to allow myself to consume because there were so man over arching opinions that would persuade me and/or confuse me. I am now at a point in which I am sound enough in my own opinions/views and am not as easily teetered by certain outlets.

1. Apple News+

I myself have been a prominent user of Apple products ranging from iPhones, iPads, iPods, MacBooks, etc. for as long as I can remember. Apple News is an add on to your products once you purchase them which makes it extremely convenient for someone like me to easily access. Apple officially launched this service on, September 16, 2015 and is available for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS replacing their previous platform known as Newsstand. According to data conducted from, as of 2021 there are up to 19 million paid subscribers for Apple News+. My parents actually introduced me to this program due to them liking the variety of sources ranging from publications such as, The Washington PostThe Hollywood Reporter, and The Wall Street Journal. For me the platform works extremely well because it runs like a formal of social media that I am used to which makes the interface quite easy for me to use. Having the choice to pick different categories and subjects also helps with not geeing confused and overwhelmed with content. I would recommend this source to someone who is looking for a quick and accessible way to get up to speed on news they want to discover.

2. Variety

Variety is my personal favorite choice for news that pertains to the Hollywood industry on all fronts regarding film, television, music, box office reports, and just general news within the industry. American Journalist Sime Silverman founded Variety in NYC back in 1905 which mainly focused on theater news, but in 1933, Daily Variety was added which was based out of LA and covered the film industry as a whole. When I am typically excited or interested in a movie or tv/streaming show I tend to check Variety because they have a section dedicated to film reviews along with streaming reviews. I also tend to get news about film studios from this site regarding new films that are announced, new directors attached to projects, screenwriters attached to projects, drama in the industry, etc. Just last week I learned that James Gunn and Peter Safran will be taking over as the heads of DC studios at Warner Brothers for the next 4 years in an effort to get the studio back on track and to work as competition for Marvel. This is a source I would recommend to anyone interested in this industry and wants to learn basic information about studios and how they operate.

3. Twitter

I am actually late to the party when it comes to Twitter because I refused to join Twitter until last year due to the constant controversial stories I would hear and I just had no interest in being a part of that. The only reason I joined was all thanks to this film critic I follow on YouTube because she uses Twitter as her main platform to connect with her audience/fans and I wanted to be immersive. The second I joined I was immediately sucked into the platform and wanted to keep digging and digging down the trending page. It was truly amazing to me to see how unfiltered Twitter truly allows people to be regarding what they allow users to post at their leisure. Now that Elon Musk is in charge it'll be interesting to see how the app changes whether it be for the good or the bad. I like how you have a trending page centered around many subjects such as the for you trending page, the global trending page, elections page, news page, sports page, and an entertainment page. I think the thing i enjoy most about this app is just how many different opinions you can read and hear from. I would recommend this app to someone that is interested in a more social media based app, but to take thing at face value of course unless a verified source confirmed the information.

4.  The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal is something I did not really check up on until last year when my father actually introduced me into stocks and tried to get me to understand them better. Martin Scorsese's film "The Wolf of Wall Street" showed me some more insight into the world of stockbroking and how those people really operate. I feel that this source gives a pretty neutral take on information presented surrounding not only U.S. news, but also global news regarding politics, stock market, real estate, etc. The Wall Street Journal printed its first issue on July 8, 1989, and is based mostly out of New York City, but also has separate editions available in in China and Japan. I don't use this outlet as often as others, but it is a nice way to keep up to date with what is going on in the world. This is a source that I would recommend to someone that is business oriented and looks a lot into politics and stocks.

5. Bloomberg News

Bloomberg News for me operates in the same way that The Wall Street Journal does for me and only gets used when I want tot check on stocks or something business related like that. I'm actually not a big fan of the way the website is laid out, but I do like the separate categories that are available to check out. I have also listened to a couple of the podcasts that are uploaded to the website centered around the pandemic now and comparing it to situations in the past. This is an outlet I would recommend to someone that would check out The Wall Street Journal and are business oriented.


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